Portability problem, resolved

M37 3/4 Ton Truck

This is likely overkill, but it is fun. The M37 is a military vehicle introduced in the 1950s to replace the WWII era WC 3/4 ton trucks. It is larger than a Jeep, smaller than a 2 1/2 ton, all my radio and camping equipment fits easily inside. I was able to take it to Lake Perry State Park for a parks on the air activity September 2021. I was looking at various recreational vehicles to move radio equipment, but none of those would be as interesting as this truck. The truck has many features that I will have to detail, particularly the antenna and mount that seems to tune from 30-50Mhz which is what I would expect for a military antenna.

This trip I was able to use the DX Commander antenna, which performed very well giving me 141 contacts in a weekend. With cooler weather nearing, I expect to get in the field more often since I find winter camping more comfortable than summer camping. I made some modifications to the antenna to speed up setup and tear down which I plan to detail soon.

2 thoughts on “Portability problem, resolved”

  1. Had the trailer out there as well, this setup is really great. It does generate a lot of interest. That tailgate ladder is incredibly useful. We used the canvas buckets to get lake water to extinguish the campfire, they hold water quite well.

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