I rarely saw the H45 on active duty, and when I did it was in the GP Small or medium tents. I have an M1950 Yukon stove same as I used with the hex tent on active duty, but with liquid fuel (diesel/mogas). Burning wood in the Yukon does work, but it takes frequent fire maintenance and it is difficult to manage temperature output with it. I also found coal to be difficult to burn in the Yukon, it just really isn’t set up to do this. Coal would be nice as a compact and long burning fuel.
I have seen the H45 on sale quite often, so I ordered one. The stove itself wasn’t much, but shipping for the large crate was expensive. The solid fuel component I was unable to find for sale anywhere. I had one made and I am happy with it, even if it’s heavier than the original.

My main worry was that the H45 would be too large and put out too much heat, but was pleasantly surprised to find that temperature control is much easier and even with the H45 vs Yukon. It is bigger than the Yukon, but in height and not really length so I don’t lose floorspace using it.

Using coal as a fuel works very well, with very long and even burn times, well beyond overnight without messing with it.

Ill keep the Yukon of course, it is more compact and easier to setup, but the H45 works well in an M1950 Hex tent and I expect ill use the H45 for most of my winter camping.